The Selling Myself Bit

So, what can I bring to you and your Production?

So, what can I bring to you and your Production?

Okay, trumpet blowing time!

Over the years, I have been lucky enough to have a few of my skills acknowledged by artists, fellow designers and managements. I have been told repeatedly by LDs, drummers, sound engineers and so on that my timing is exemplary, my use of colour is always on point, and that I have an innate feel for the music, whatever genre it may be. I think and hope that they are right! 


 If I’m lucky enough to work with an artist I bring a practical approach to my work as much as a design-driven one. I design within the factors of a production- budget, venues, trucks, crew levels and the time available. There is no point in designing a mega-rig if there isn’t the space, time and crew to get it out of the truck to make an impact. 


 I like to think that I have a calm head, am easy to work with, and can think on my feet if things don’t exactly go according to plan. I’m also a big believer in teamwork- sometimes my crew will have a different or better way of doing something, and that’s great to see.  I encourage them to come to me with their ideas; then it’s up to me! 


So there you have it - that’s a little bit about me, where I have come from, what I can do, and what I have done.

If I have piqued your interest, please feel free to contact me at the links below, and remember- no job too small, no fee too big!

That’s The Badger!!!
